Do you ever feel broken?

Do you ever feel unworthy, not good enough, like you try and try and nothing seems to go your way?  Maybe you flat out believe you are unlovable or happiness is for everyone else.  Deep down do you fear you might be broken and you hope you’ll find someone or something will fix you? 
You are not the only one.   In fact think about the world we live in. Advertisements, magazines, gurus, entire tv shows, etc. are dedicated to  speaking to that inner belief you are broken and offering ways to fix you. There are plenty of sources willing to tell you who and how to be.  
Also we are trained to focus on the problem and that if we just had more money, were thinner, would think positive or if “so and so” (filled in your loved ones name) would just do or be “such and such” (fill in the requirement) then we’d be happy and everything would be okay.
Then why are so many people hurting? Why do you hurt?
Because the initial premise, you are broken, is flat out wrong! It’s a lie! Oh, I know it feels true! Believe me because  I too  once believed I was broken and searched frantically for the thing that would fix me.
The truth is YOU ARE NOT BROKEN!  You may hurt, you may have very strong beliefs that cause you pain, like “I’m not good enough.” You may have very painful and confusing life experiences that you don’t seem to be able to reconcile or heal from. You may not know about the tools and principles of healing, thriving and joy, BUT you are not broken. Why? Because 

We can make poor choices, we can be hurt, we can possibly not understand, but the bottom line God does not make mistakes and He made you!  I hurt for a long time, most of my life really, and as I kept turning to God, trusting Him, learning how to heal, learning how to be joyful as He promised, learning the principle of joy, peace, clarity and connection and choosing to live them my whole life changed!  Every hurt I ever had healed and ever dream I’ve ever dreamt has or is coming true!
Don’t believe me? Don’t believe you are not broken but just might not know some stuff that will bring you the joy and healing you dream of?  What would you tell her?

You are not broken!  I know you hurt. I know you may be  giving it your all and are just not sure what else to try, I’ve been there too. Start with believing you are precious and all you hope for is real and possible!
And if you are ready to really heal and thrive I’d love to show you how!  I won’t fix you but I will help you learn the tools and principles to thriving in all areas of your life whether it be money, self-worth, relationships, health, whatever your pain I can help you learn how to heal and discover the joy you were made to feel!

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