Who’s running your life?

We all know there are an infinite amount of sources willing to tell us who we are, how we should be and what to do.

the list goes on and on.
And let’s not forget the Adversary, I mean bringing us down is his ultimate goal.
So we should be a certain height, live in a certain house, have 3.2 kids, be a size 2,  serve on the PTA, be a classroom mom or maybe be entirely in charge by home-schooling, exercise, serve entirely organic, perfectly healthy and yet exciting to the kids meals, have a perfectly clean and adorably decorated home, blog, Facebook, pinterest, serve at a variety of charities, fulfill several church callings – perfectly- with doilies  date our spouse, maybe help provide income or run a business, Dr.’s appointments, library trips, carpools, play dates….AHHHHHH! Just making the list is stressing me out!
One thing is for sure, the first option is stressful, unfulfilling and frankly just impossible! Think about it, if you are really trying to please everyone else and gain their approval and your husband says you are beautiful and he loves your curves but your mom keeps encouraging you to lose a few pounds- who are you going to listen to? If your kids keep asking for your attention but your “upline” or boss keep asking for more sales- who are you going to please? The deal is it’s an unwinnable game! The entire race is set up for you to fail. You can’t possibly please everyone and honestly some of the “voices” contradict each other!
One more, if your heart tells you you are good enough and frankly amazing yet everything around you tells you you need to do and be more- which are you going to listen to? Because it’s not just your heart, it’s your God, who loves you and wants you to be happy and not just someday, NOW!
He’s the only one we need to please, He’s the only one we need to listen to and He’s the only one who knows who we are and what we should do. Get to know Him and let Him run your life and you’ll be happy!


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