Will Your Subconscious LET You Be Thin?

Is it possible our subconscious can affect our weight and if we are hungry or not? 
After 18 months of complete peace with food and sustaining releasing 70 lbs. I was suddenly hungry. Very hungry. Actually, let’s be fully accurate, I wasn’t just hungry I was hangry! And tired and feeling low blood sugar and slow thoughts. But I had not made any changes in my eating. What on Earth was going on?! 

My activity level had increased so naturally I thought that was the issue and I just needed a little more food. After a couple months of trying to figure out and adjust I was still struggling with hunger and had actually gained 10 lbs. Physiologically I was doing everything right. I could not figure out what was going on with my body. Finally I decided to check my subconscious! 
Using intuition and muscle testing I asked myself:
I am thin. Answer yes.
My body is thin. Yes.
My body believes it is thin. Yes
My brain believes I am thin. No.
What? Look in the mirror! I’m tiny! Yet there it was, my subconscious was not in line with the physical reality.
So I went deeper.
My subconscious feel safe being thin. No.My body is actually hungry. No!My subconscious is making me hungry because it wants me to gain weight. Yes!It is safe to be thin. No.
There you have it. Even though I had made so much progress there was still a part of my subconscious that did not feel safe being thin so it was therefore physically creating hunger so that I would eat more and gain weight to be “safe”! 

Wow! Even though I teach all about the power of the subconscious I was still surprised that it was making me hungry! And proof that it was my subconscious, the second I found this subconscious program and rewired it using Mind Change Methods I immediately stopped being hungry! I’m totally serious. I have not been hungry at all since. And twice dinner has been delayed by several hours and even then I was not hungry! And yes the gained weight is falling back off. I had to acknowledge my subconscious and do the Mind Change work to help my subconscious feel safe accepting being thin and letting go of the extra pounds it had put back on, which it is doing rapidly.

This is how powerful our subconscious is. It is literally running and creating all of our results whether they are emotional, physical, mental, honestly even spiritual depending on what subconscious beliefs and perceptions we have about God.

So how is your subconscious affecting your weight and eating habits?  
Much more than you realize. 
Why don’t you try asking yourself the statements above. 
Other common subconscious programs with food and weight are beliefs that certain foods make you fat, that you have a slow metabolism, if you don’t do a certain amount of exercise you’ll gain weight, etc. All of those beliefs directly affect your physical weight and how your body is processing food.

While muscle testing, or kinesiology, is not part of the Mind Change Method it is a tool I personally use at times. If you are not familiar you can probably Google videos to teach you but a really easy way is the sway test. Stand with nothing in your hands and simply make a statement you already know the answer to and then notice if your body naturally leans forward or backwards. For example state your name, “my name is…” For most people a sway forward is yes, sway backward is no. Practice by using questions you know the answer to. Then move on to asking the same statements I used about weight and hunger or statements that come to mind pertaining to you specifically.

Or schedule a Mind Change session with me and together we will figure out what subconscious programs are running for you and rewire them with programs that support the outcomes you desire! https://www.livingthejoyfullife.com/LIVINGTHEJOYFULLIFE/sessions/

By the way, your subconscious is also controlling your results in you relationships, money, health, everything. How are those areas going and what can you rewire to get the results you want?

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