When You’re Not Reaching Your Goals

As you’ve been learning, our subconscious is what is really running the show in our lives. It is what is really creating the results in your life. It’s been scientifically proven that our conscious mind (which is problem solving, critical thinking, willpower, decision making) is actually only about 5 to 8% of our brain power. The real source of power is our subconscious. Each time we go to use our conscious mind it actually dips down into our subconscious mind to instantly review the “data” to then send back up to our conscious mind to make the decision. Because the subconscious mind simply stores that “data” rather than critically evaluates it, it may or may not actually be working toward the results we desire. What I mean here is that our subconscious mind has one goal, to keep us safe. So if it perceives anything as a threat or unsafe that is the data it will send back to our conscious brain.   So what does this have to do with not reaching our goals? Goal setting is a function of the conscious mind. And unless that goal is in alignment with your subconscious “data”, beliefs and perceptions it will fail. 

Let’s look at some concrete examples. Have you ever had a goal and done “all the right things” to achieve that goal and still failed? Odds are very high there was something in your subconscious out of alignment with the goal, no matter how good the goal was.
For example maybe you’ve tried and tried to stop eating sugar and yet failed. Your subconscious programming about sugar or weight or the pleasure food brings or any number of things was likely and contradiction to your goal and will power. It could be something as simple as sweets were used as love and comfort in your childhood experience and so you’re subconscious believes you need them to feel happy and loved. So when you try to abstain from a sweets you’re actually fighting your subconscious which is trying to help you feel happy and loved. The good news is when you can find the subconscious programming and change it then it can work in your favor and you can achieve your goals.  

Another example could be money. Maybe you’re really working on getting a raise or paying off debt. Yet maybe somewhere in your childhood experience, which is when you’re subconscious brain was formed, you were taught things like “people with money are greedy”, “rich people don’t get into heaven”, “material wealth is prideful”, or something similar. Because your subconscious brains job is to keep you safe it will constantly counteract financial success so that these “bad” things don’t happen to you. It will do whatever keeps you “safe”, however your subconscious perceives safety.   So you see you can consciously set goals, think positive thoughts and create and say positive declarations and affirmations all day long but if they are not in alignment with what your subconscious thinks your results will be limited.   

The great news is amazing scientific studies have repeatedly shown we can heal and change our subconscious programming! We can go directly to the source of what our subconscious perceptions, beliefs, memories and programming are and literally rewire our neural pathways with programs that are supportive of what we are trying to create and our personal goals and are still “safe” so our subconscious can accept and run these helpful programs instead!    That is when you’re goals and positive thoughts and affirmations can really take off and succeed!!!

If you are struggling to reach your goals here are a few questions to help you figure out what your subconscious may be doing:

What “bad” thing may happen if you accomplish your goal?

What will others think?

Do you believe you are worthy of such a goal?

These question can help uncover any beliefs, fears or programs your subconscious may be running. Once you uncover them you can work through and/or replace them.

Give it a try! You may be surprised what you discover and how it opens the path to accomplishing your goals.

If you are dealing with less than desirable results in any area of your life you can change it! Please reach out and schedule a free consultation to discuss how mentoring sessions can help you reach your goals for good. https://www.livingthejoyfullife.com/LIVINGTHEJOYFULLIFE/sessions/

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