I hear voices in my head!

Really I do. I hear voices in my head. Voices telling me who I am , what I’m capable of, what I should do. Some I can identify: my mom’s voice, friends, media, kids, culture, myself, the adversary. They yell and scream, sometimes they whisper, but they all have an opinion. They are all trying to tell me what to do, what a good wife and mother is, who I am and more.

You have voices in your head too. What do they tell you? Are you even aware of them?

Here’s the thing. Once I discovered all the voices and sources trying to tell me who I am or who I should be I found JOY AND PEACE!

You may have heard me tell the story about my most life changing moment (if not you can listen to it here). What it boiled down to is I finally understood that the source of my (and maybe yours too) overwhelm, stress, insecurity, never feeling good enough, etc. was I was listening to and trying to please ALL the voices. I was letting everyone else tell me who and what I should be. And here’s the irony- some of those voices conflicted with each other!


Once I understood that I also understood the option to discover who God made me to be. Ahh, the peace and joy I mentioned. As I learned to stop listening to all the chatter and opinions and truly discovered who my loving Creator and Father in Heaven made me to be I found true lasting healing, success and joy.

So I ask you, who are listening to? What voice or voices running your life?

As you “turn off” all the other voices and their demands, criticism and expectations and “turn on” the voice of God in your life more and more, especially in relation to who you are (because He’s the ONLY one who truly knows) peace and healing in all areas of your life will come to you.

This beautiful song says it all. I’ll hope you’ll take 4 minutes and listen to it.


Heavenly Father is the only one who truly knows who you are. He is the only voice we should allow to define us.

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